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Ed Do?

Author, Writer, Entrepreneur, Inventor

What I would do or have already done with various health issues from a DIY self-care alternative healing perspective is discussed below. It is strictly for educational purposes only.

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What Ed Would Do
Or Has Already Done?

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Get "Healing Self-Care Primer" Free or $.99

Sign up for Ed's Health & Healing Newsletter and get the FREE PDF EDITION of "Healing Self-Care Primer" eBook. Alternatively, click on the book image at the left to visit the book's website where there are four editions available.

At the book website, you'll find a $.99 ePub edition, a $.99 Kindle edition, a $2.95 PDF edition, and a $7.95 print edition. I'm making this DIY healthcare solution inexpensive so that everyone can see how to escape the medical protection racket that is bankrupting families while not actually providing any health care. Don't live in medical fear any longer. There are many alternative healing strategies available but kept secret and hidden by the allopathic medical industry.

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#1 DIY Healing Protocol

If you are experiencing any health problems, this book is what you need, especially if you are experiencing a severe health issue. Inside the one-minute cure, you will find my number one healing protocol. The protocol oxygenates your body using 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide. It is a simple one-minute task that can restore your health. Click on the image to the left and get a book copy. It explains why this works and how to safely use 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide to heal your body.

The process starts with three drops of 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide in 6-8 ounces of distilled water, which you drink three times a day. The next day, you add four drops to 6-8 ounces of distilled water thrice daily. The next day, add five, then six, and so on until you have twenty-five drops three times a day. Then, you work backward until you reach the maintenance dose of three drops thrice daily.

Madison Cavanaugh's book is your comprehensive guide to this protocol. You must read all the instructions before using 35% hydrogen peroxide. This is not a step to be skipped, as improper use can be dangerous. Your health and safety is a top priority, so please, follow the instructions carefully. This healing protocol is inexpensive, safe, easy to use, and effective in healing the human body without side effects.

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The Cause Of All Disease

According to Dr. Leonard Coldwell, in "The ONLY Answer to Cancer," stress is the number one cause of all diseases. Coldwell cites a Stanford University study that states 95% of all diseases are caused by stress. He then qualifies this from his experience that only 14% is external to the body, and 86% is from the stress we endure daily. Why is this, and what is taking place in our bodies that allows disease to take hold?

I've answered this question in depth in the healing books I've written. You can find them on my author's home page. However, the short answer is as follows: Our bodies typically operate in two modes: sympathetic and parasympathetic. The sympathetic mode occurs when we are stressed out and is considered the "fight or flight" mode. Our body's cells are not open to oxygenation or cellular repair when in this mode, and we cannot heal our bodies.

In contrast, we must get into a state of body rest to heal. That is the parasympathetic mode, where our body can heal and restore itself. In simple terms, you must eliminate stress to cure any disease. That will open up your cells to repair and oxygenation. Failure to locate and eliminate the stresses in your life will inhibit any effective healing protocol. See my book "God And Cancer: A DIY Healing Perspective" for a more detailed discussion of stress and how to eliminate it in "The Stress Solution" chapter.

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Ed's family and friends experienced the following health issues.

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checkmark image Cancer

What Would Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about cancer.

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x-mark image Parkinson's

What Would Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about Parkinson's.

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x-mark image Alzheimer's

What Would Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about alzheimer's.

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x-mark image ALS - Lou Gehrig's

What Would Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about ALS - Lou Gehrig's disease.

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x-mark image MS - Multiple Sclerosis

What Would Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about MS - Multiple Sclerosis disease.

Ed experienced the following health issues and never
consulted a doctor for any of them except the double vision.

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x-mark image Outside Knee Pain

What Did Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about pain outside of a knee.

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x-mark image Crippling Knee Pain

What Did Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about crippling knee pain.

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x-mark image Bad Low Back Pain

What Did Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about bad low back pain.

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x-mark image Bad Mid Back Pain

What Did Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about bad mid back pain.

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x-mark image Bad Neck Pain

What Did Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about bad neck pain.

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x-mark image Root Canal Infection

What Did Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about root canal infections.

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x-mark image High Blood Pressure

What Did Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about high blood pressure.

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x-mark image Double Vision
Stroke Caused

What Did Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about double vision caused by a stoke.

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x-mark image Elbow Bursitis

What Did Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about bursitis.

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x-mark image How I Got Rid
Of My Eye Glasses

What Did Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about getting rid of eyeglasses.

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x-mark image Pain - Back of Thigh

What Did Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about pain in the back of a thigh.

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x-mark image Acid Reflux

What Did Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about acid reflux.

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x-mark image Allergies & Sinuses

What Did Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about allergies & sinus issues.

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x-mark image Low Energy

What Did Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about low energy.

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x-mark image Foggy Mind

What Did Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about foggy minds.

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x-mark image Anxiety

What Did Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about anxiety.

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x-mark image Covid & Colds

What Did Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about covid and colds.

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x-mark image Can't Sleep
Active Mind Cause

What Did Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about active minds causing lack of sleep.

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x-mark image Vaccines

What Did Ed Do?

Click here to see Ed's discussion about vaccines.

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DISCLAIMER: This blog is the sole opinion of the author based on his research, knowledge, and understanding. It is not intended to provide medical advice and is solely for educational purposes. Anyone in need of medical assistance should seek the appropriate expertise within the medical industry.

© 2024 Edward G. Palmer | All rights Reserved.

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