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Sign up for Ed's Health & Healing Newsletter and get the FREE PDF EDITION of "Healing Self-Care Primer" eBook. Alternatively, click on the book image at the left to visit the book's website where there are four editions available.
At the book website, you'll find a $.99 ePub edition, a $.99 Kindle edition, a $2.95 PDF edition, and a $7.95 print edition. I'm making this DIY healthcare solution inexpensive so that everyone can see how to escape the medical protection racket that is bankrupting families while not actually providing any health care. Don't live in medical fear any longer. There are many alternative healing strategies available but kept secret and hidden by the allopathic medical industry.
#1 DIY Healing Protocol
If you are experiencing any health problems, this book is what you need, especially if you are experiencing a severe health issue. Inside the one-minute cure, you will find my number one healing protocol. The protocol oxygenates your body using 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide. It is a simple one-minute task that can restore your health. Click on the image to the left and get a book copy. It explains why this works and how to safely use 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide to heal your body.
The process starts with three drops of 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide in 6-8 ounces of distilled water, which you drink three times a day. The next day, you add four drops to 6-8 ounces of distilled water thrice daily. The next day, add five, then six, and so on until you have twenty-three drops three times a day. Then, you work backward until you reach the maintenance dose of three drops thrice daily.
Madison Cavanaugh's book is your comprehensive guide to this protocol. You must read all the instructions before using 35% hydrogen peroxide. This is not a step to be skipped, as improper use can be dangerous. Your health and safety is a top priority, so please, follow the instructions carefully. This healing protocol is inexpensive, safe, easy to use, and effective in healing the human body without side effects.

The Cause Of All Disease
According to Dr. Leonard Coldwell, in "The ONLY Answer to Cancer," stress is the number one cause of all diseases. Coldwell cites a Stanford University study that states 95% of all diseases are caused by stress. He then qualifies this from his experience that only 14% is external to the body, and 86% is from the stress we endure daily. Why is this, and what is taking place in our bodies that allows disease to take hold?
I've answered this question in depth in the healing books I've written. You can find them on my author's home page. However, the short answer is as follows: Our bodies typically operate in two modes: sympathetic and parasympathetic. The sympathetic mode occurs when we are stressed out and is considered the "fight or flight" mode. Our body's cells are not open to oxygenation or cellular repair when in this mode, and we cannot heal our bodies.
In contrast, we must get into a state of body rest to heal. That is the parasympathetic mode, where our body can heal and restore itself. In simple terms, you must eliminate stress to cure any disease. That will open up your cells to repair and oxygenation. Failure to locate and eliminate the stresses in your life will inhibit any effective healing protocol. See my book "God And Cancer: A DIY Healing Perspective" for a more detailed discussion of stress and how to eliminate it in "The Stress Solution" chapter.
Thirty DIY Healing Resources For Solutions
There are many health and healing resources available for DIY self-care practitioners. Items 1-5 are DIY book resources to start your healthcare library. I recommend all five books as valuable self-care health references for your home library. Items 6-30 are online resources for DIY health and healing research or to purchase alternative healing products like vitamins, herbs, supplements, etc. Bracketed numbers [#] refer to notes at the bottom of this page.
1) Prescription for Nutritional Healing [1], Sixth Edition. A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements. Phyllis A. Balch, CNC (See notes).
2) The Lost Book Of Herbal Remedies [2]: The Healing Power of Plant Medicine. Nicole Apelian, Ph.D & Claude Davis. (See notes).
3) Doctor Yourself: Natural Healing That Works [3], Second Edition, Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D. (See notes).
4) The One Minute Cure, Second Edition, [4] Madison Cavanaugh. This book explains how to cure all diseases using 35% hydrogen peroxide drops. It should be in everyone's health library.
5) Sustain Me: A Handbook of Natural Remedies [6], Dr. Barbara O'Neill, Naturopath.
6) Nutrient Reference Online. [7] This website allows you to research different diseases and see what nutrients will assist in healing. (See notes).
7) Healing Food Reference Online. [8] This website allows you to research different diseases and see what foods will assist in healing. (See notes).
8) Herb Reference Online. [9] This website allows you to research different diseases and see what herbs will assist in healing. (See notes).
9) Supplements Reference Online. [10] This website allows you to research different diseases and see what supplements will assist in healing. (See notes).
10) Honest Food Guide Online. [11] This website lets you download a food guide to help you avoid harmful foods and learn to use healing good foods.
11) The Natural Health Library. [12] This website offers comprehensive information on diseases from a natural healing perspective.
12) Natural Health Library. [13] This website is another resource for DIY health and healing research.
13) Green Med Info [14] is a website with over 10,000 published articles on alternative healing information. While it is a membership-supported website, searching for alternative health and healing information is free.
14) is a website that offers alternative health information and products such as vitamins, herbs, supplements, etc.
15) is a website that offers alternative health information and products such as vitamins, herbs, supplements, etc.
16) is a website that offers alternative health information and products such as vitamins, herbs, supplements, etc.
17) is where I purchase most of my nutrients and health products.
18) is where I purchase some products like the Methylene Blue product I currently use.
19) is where I purchase the DMSO or diethyl sulfoxide.
20) is where I purchase 35% pharmaceutical-grade hydrogen peroxide.
21) is a website where you can purchase her PDF eBook titled "The Parkinson's Protocol," which I highly recommend. She has several other ebooks on neurological diseases.
22) is a website where Jodi Knapp and other alternative healing writing have eBooks available to heal various health issues.
23) Big And Loud for Parkinson's is a speech and exercise therapy program for Parkinson's Patients. Search YouTube for free exercise videos. Query a search engine for this program's full details, which usually runs for four weeks in a clinic environment.
24) The Parkinson's Summit 2.0 [15] is a 2024 documentary program with the latest information on Parkinson's and is found on I have purchased lifetime access to this program, but I have not accessed the video discussions. I have read all the reports but thought that Jodi Knapp's ebook was more valuable from a DIY self-care perspective.
25) is a website that curates health ebooks and seminars. The site has thousands of resources for DIY self-care practitioners from medical and alternative health experts. It is intertwined with key health experts and has a newsletter that is worthwhile to subscribe to.
26) is The Wellness Company started after the COVID-19 crisis by medical visionaries like Dr. Peter McCullough and others concerned about health issues and challenging the government's narratives. You will find emergency medical kits and other health products on this website. There is also a product to help eliminate vaccine spike proteins [16] for those suffering from long-term COVID-19.
27) The website provides information on therapeutic doses of natural ingredients like Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Niacin. The website has added an artificial intelligence assistant to search their knowledge base and aid in your DIY research. The A.I. recommended the above three nutrients for Parkinson's and showed the medical references associated with the recommendations.
28) [17] is an Artificial Intelligence Doctor you can use to explore allopathic medical information. Have you ever wanted a longer dialogue with your medical doctor? Well, here is it, and it is free on a limited basis. Yet, for only $4 a month, you can have 50 conversations with it at your leisure and on your own time. Unlike the typical MD with limited memory or specialized knowledge, the Docus A.I. has access to all the allopathic information available. It will also consider your entire body when giving advice. Docus can also connect you with other medical resources if needed.
29) is Andrew W. Saul's natural healing website. He wrote the print book I recommended in item 3 above; he is known as the "Mega Vitamin Man [18]." You'll find therapeutic doses of various nutrients for various diseases on this website. That includes a Vitamin C protocol for healing cancer.
30) is the website of Naturopath Barbara O'Neill. She has written many works, such as the book "Sustain Me," for DIY self-care practitioners and several alternative healing products.
The author receives no compensation from recommendations made anywhere on this website. The recommendations or links reflect what the author has personally experienced or used in his own DIY health and healing research.
[1] Prescription For Natural Healing
[2] The Lost Book Of Herbal Remedies
[3] Doctor Yourself
[4] The One Minute Cure
[6] Sustain Me
[7] Nutrient Reference Website
[8] Healing Foods Reference Website
[9] Herbal Reference Website
[10] Supplement Reference Website
[11] The Honest Food Guide
[12] The Natural Health Library
[13] Natural Health Library #2
[14] Green Med Info Health Library
[15] Parkinsons Summit
[16] Covid Spike Detox Product FACT: COVID-19 vaccines create spike proteins that may never turn off and can damage an individual's immune system. The Wellness Company has created a product to eliminate COVID-19 spike proteins.
[17] The Medical Ai Doctor
[18] Saul passed away in February 2024, but his website remains a valuable resource in DIY self-care research. The website, while dated, is still functional, and the information remains invaluable. Saul was associated with the Orthomolecular News organization. He was a pioneer in the treatment of serious diseases with therapeutic doses of natural ingredients.